Plenary 4 | Education Initiatives in RPAS
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Lynda Holden - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Allister Schreiber - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Stephanie Hogewoning - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Sarah Graham - SAIT (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology)
Wade Hawkins - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Allister Schreiber - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Stephanie Hogewoning - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Sarah Graham - SAIT (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology)
Wade Hawkins - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

Moderated by: Lynda Holden
Session Sponsored by:
Deep dive with our SAIT panel as they discuss SAIT approaches to RPAS training, partnerships and emerging research strategies.
Location Name
International Ballroom A/B