Full Name
Marina Rayner, RFT
Job Title
MR Indigenous Resource Consulting
Speaker Bio
Marina Rayner, RFT, is a Huu-ay-aht First Nations citizen who has been active in the natural resource industry since 2009, with a focus on working with BC Coastal Indigenous communities. Her experience working for and with Crown tenure holders, private landowners, and consultants in the forest industry gives her a well-rounded understanding of the complexities each tenure holder works within.

Marina has worked with multiple Coastal First Nations within administration and lands and resources departments in a management capacity. She develops, implements, and oversees large scale projects and programs, working within and developing new legislation, and ensuring the lands and natural resources are managed in a sustainable way all while operating through an Indigenous perspective.

Marina is currently facilitating the development of C̕awak ʔqin Forestry’s Tree Farm License (TFL) 44 Integrated Resource Management Plan (44 IRMP), with participation from the First Nations communities whose territories fall within the TFL. The 44 IRMP is a holistic plan for forest and environmental management of the TFL based on Indigenous values and the latest data, science, and technology.
Marina Rayner, RFT