Full Name
Elder Charlene Gladu
Speaker Bio
Hi, my name is charlene Elizabeth Gladu, my traditional name is Kii Ka Toot Kinew Ikew, Talking Eagle women. I am Proud Metis woman. The Cree, French are from my fathers side and my mother came from the Ukraine. I have found my Cree roots from York Factory Cree Nation. I received my BSW in 2000 and have worked in many areas in my field. I’m am the Founder and operator of Soaring Eagle Healing which was created in 2018. My role and goal is to empower women, men, youth, families, organizations and community to heal in their identity and live their journey of health, wellness and spirituality.

Soaring Eagle Healing delivers numerous programs in Health, wellness and spirituality. The programs that I offer are.
 Traditional Parenting
 Addictions
 Indigenous Harm Reduction
 Healing From Trauma
 Indigenous Relapse prevention/intervention
 Inner Child work
 “Who am I.”
 Women’s Sacred Teachings
 Rites of Passage
 Red Road to Healing
 MC
 Key Note Speaker

In addition to these programs, my teachings and culture are important and I have walked a traditional way for many years. I have been gifted many ceremonies through walking this way and some of the ceremonies I carry are;

 Matotasin (Sweat lodge)
 Naming ceremony
 Full Moon Ceremony
 Earth Lodge
 Sharing Circles
 Cleanings ceremony
 Cedar Bath ceremony, Walking out ceremony / Coming of age.

I am a daughter, sister, auntie, mother, Grandmother and Chaapon great grandmother. I have 4 children two daughters and two sons and I am a grandmother of 7 and a great grandmother to one beautiful little girl. I carry many roles in my family and career. I have been recognized in my community as a trail blazer, elder and clan mother. I love spending time with family, friends, community and of course my Elders. I am proud of who I am and of Soaring Eagle Healing.
Elder Charlene Gladu