I Breakout Session - Part 3 - RPAS Applications 3
Date & Time
Thursday, November 3, 2022, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Shahab Moeini - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Courtland Penk - Osprey Integrity Ltd.
Nathan Darby - Canadian UAVs
Courtland Penk - Osprey Integrity Ltd.
Nathan Darby - Canadian UAVs

Moderator: Kate Klassen - AEAC
- Shahab Moeini - Autonomous Robotic Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) for Environmental and Industrial Applications
- Patrick Foré - Performing Search and Rescue in a BVLOS scenario: a game changer
- Courtland Penk - Beginning of the Paradigm: Airborne Non-Destructive Examinations
- Nathan Darby - Tasker: UAV Mission, Asset, and Personnel Management Software for Enabling Greater Adoption of UAVs in Canadian Airspace
Location Name
Blackfoot A
Full Address
The Westin Calgary Airport Convention Centre
671 Aero Drive NE
Calgary AB T2E7Y5
671 Aero Drive NE
Calgary AB T2E7Y5