A1: Building Resilience Through Community Networks - Mary Fuke
Room: Lombard
Every community faces their own socioeconomic challenges, diverse as the women who live there. Addressing these challenges and remaining solution-focused relies on the community, and their commitment to helping women succeed. We have seen first-hand when creativity is combined with a proven framework and a connection to the economic needs of a community, workforces at all levels see increased opportunities and resources for women. Focusing on the success of our Women of Steel: Forging Forward project we will demonstrate how to understand a community’s needs and develop pivotal networks to support women to choose and succeed in the trades.
A2: Building Accessible Training & Resources with Language & Skills Development - Janine Bucklaschuk & Arpine Petrosyan
Room: Wellington Ballroom
The presentation will showcase accessible training materials that use an integrated model for workplace language and skills building. Resources designed using plain language principles help clearly understand tasks and expectations.
Strategies and contextualized tasks help make learning meaningful and reduce the effort required to transfer the knowledge at work. The presentation will provide samples of contextualized tasks and strategies that can help women navigate barriers at work, including communication and diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Strategies help women build confidence and empower them in the workplace. Strategic approaches to training can help address labour shortages that are affecting the skilled trades.