Join us for the APCO eduCentre Information Session
APCO Canada is bringing a group of speakers/panelists together for a one-day educational session that will involve discussions and updates surrounding Canada’s NG-9 -1-1 technology and the ongoing implementation process!
The agenda and discussions will focus on a variety of topics including Lessons Learned during NG9-1-1 Onboarding, the state of NG9-1-1 Readiness, PSAP Cybersecurity and the Implications of Real-time Managing and Monitoring for NG9-1-1, Common Mapping (GIS) and addressing for Canada Report ESRE0102, and specifically the Ontario/Quebec PSAP Readiness deadline.
The speaker/panelist line up includes Chris Kellett – Retired Chair - CRTC Emergency Services Working Group, Tom Paniak - Bell Canada 9-1-1, Tareq Cora - Toronto Fire PSAP, Eric Janus – Ottawa Police PSAP and Dan Mongrain – Motorola Solutions. Both Dan and Eric will be available to receive and answer questions in French.
If your Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), or Emergency Services Communications Centre is currently involved in the NG 9-1-1 implementation process, you really do not want to miss this event that will be take place on March 6, 2024, at the Hilton Garden Inn Ottawa Airport Hotel - 2400 Alert Road, Ottawa Ontario.
APCO Intl is introducing the world’s first comprehensive disaster operations course designed specifically for the public safety communications professionals. Join APCO Canada and APCO Intl in Ottawa on March 5th for the first course offered in Canada!
eduCentre Event Information
March 6 | Registration: 8:00am
Session: 9:00am - 5:00pm
$75.00 + HST per person
Includes Sessions, Break & Lunch
Hilton Garden Inn Ottawa Airport
2400 Alert Rd, Ottawa, ON K1V 1S1
Thank you to our eduCentre Coffee Break Sponsor
Session Information
PSAP Onboarding 101 presentation
What challenges are PSAPs facing today?
(Panel Discussion; 60 minutes)
- What challenges are PSAPs facing today e.g. local resources, vendor resources, access to testing with NG9-1-1 network providers?
- What is delaying PSAPs that have not put their NG9-1-1 Call Handling Solution in place e.g. funding, support from governing authorities, procurement challenges, etc.?
- Opportunity to ask and get answers in French!
Lessons Learned During the NG9-1-1 Onboarding Process
(Tom Paniak, Tareq Cora, Dan Mongrain; 120 minutes)
- Presentations from NG9-1-1 network providers, CHS vendor, and PSAP perspective.
- New details regarding the Bell Onboarding Activity guide - What do you need to be ready for Onboarding Testing?
PSAP Network level Policy Routing Rules and Local Distribution Rules
(Eric Janus; 30 minutes)
- Highlights from ESWG contribution ESCO0746b re Call Routing Reference Guide for PSAPs.
- Focus on operational considerations vs technical capabilities.
PSAP Cybersecurity – Implications of Real-time Managing and Monitoring
(Chris Kellett, Tom Paniak; 60 minutes)
- PSAP Cybersecurity Readiness survey - review content and the importance of feedback
- PSAP Cybersecurity checklist - what is it, and how do you use it?
- Real-time managing and monitoring services (Bell sample info)
What does the new NG9-1-1 Common Addressing and (GIS) Mapping standards mean for my jurisdiction?
(Chris Kellett; 30 minutes)
- What are the timelines and how do they differ cutover timelines?
- What can I do now to get ready for May 2027?
PSAP Readiness – Real-time Status Update/Question and Answer Period
(Panel Discussion; 60 minutes)
- How does PSAP readiness for NG9-1-1 impact RTT9-1-1?
- Opportunity to ask and get answers in French!

Chris Kellett
ESWG (Emergency Services Working Group)
TIF85 Comms Owner
Chris Kellett is a former Superintendent who retired after a fulfilling and distinguished 32-year career as a police officer with the Edmonton Police Service in Alberta, Canada (1981 to 2013).
Chris is a recognized Canadian expert in the areas of 9-1-1 and emergency services dispatch, having spent over 20 years of his career working at the operational, technical, and management levels of these mission critical operations.
Chris has participated with and led numerous municipal, provincial, national, and international committees in all the disciplines detailed above. He is on the current executive of the Alberta E9-1-1 Advisory Association (AEAA), a member of the Association of 9-1-1 Service Providers of British Columbia (ABC911), and has just completed 15 years as the elected (volunteer) Chair of the Canadian Radio-television & Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Emergency Services [9-1-1] Working Group (ESWG).

Dan Mongrain
Motorola Solutions
Dan has over 30 years of experience managing, designing, and developing equipment and applications for IP and other types of networks. In 2004 Dan was introduced to the Public Safety community and ever since has been assisting with its transition to Next Generation 9-1-1. He is an active and vocal member of the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) and CRTC's Emergency Services Working Group (ESWG), vigorously leading the development of NG9-1-1 standards. Dan is also an oft-requested speaker addressing topics related to ESInets and NG9-1-1.

Tom Paniak
Bell Canada
Senior Manager and Network Architect for Emergency Services
Tom is a seasoned telecommunications Subject Matter Expert and strategist with 22 years of experience, focusing on wireline and wireless 9-1-1 technologies. As a certified Emergency Number Professional by NENA he takes an active leadership role in the 9-1-1 industry in Canada, working with several national initiatives through the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee. In his current role at Bell Canada as a Senior Manager and Network Architect for Emergency Services, Tom is responsible for leading the transition of the existing 9-1-1 network to Next Generation 9-1-1.

Tareq Cora
Toronto Fire
A military veteran and emergency communications professional for the past 16 years, acting as a subject matter expert and a key contributor of public safety answering points to the Emergency Services Working Group (ESWG). An experienced systems and network architect involved in the design and implementation of cyber-security compliant systems relating to NG9-1-1, dispatch, alerting, radio, and technical operations.

Eric Janus
Ottawa Police Service (OPS)
Operations Manager, Communications Centre
Eric Janus is the Operations Manager, Communications Centre of the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) where he is responsible for implementing strategic plans as well as overseeing day-to-day activities.
Eric manages radio and 911 technical issues, and is responsible for interoperability matters and various technical projects. He is the operational lead for the NextGen911 project at OPS and is the co-chair of the NextGen911 working group for the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police.
Eric has been a member of the Ottawa Police Service since 2001, after having worked for the Gatineau Police Service for several years.