Become a Sponsor

Title Sponsors

Concrete BC is excited to announce the 2024 Convention at The Westin Bayshore in Vancouver October 3 - 4, 2024. Delegates can look forward to developing professionally as well as gaining a better outlook and understanding of the industry trends.  The conference provides an exciting opportunity to bring professionals from across the Province together to partake in well attended and much enjoyed social networking events.

As a sponsor of this convention, you have the unique opportunity to reach an audience of over 100 professionals and decision-makers in the industry. Our sponsorship packages include a wide variety of opportunities to ensure that your organization is acknowledged and recognized at the event.

Your support will help us to create an engaging and informative convention, providing the delegates with the best possible experience. Concrete BC would be honoured to have you join us in making the 2024 Convention a success.

If you would like to discuss customizing a sponsorship or if you have any questions, please reach out to our Convention team:

Sponsorship Registration Deadline
September 16, 2024

Sponsorship Notes:

  • Convention Sponsorship is based on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Sponsorship is GST exempt
  • Sponsorship benefits will be allocated based on their monetary value
  • Sponsorship registration deadline is August 15, 2024 unless otherwise stated
  • Register your sponsorship early to maximize your Return on Investment (ROI) and Objectives (ROO)

Tabletop Exhibitor

Have the opportunity to engage onsite with Delegates. Become an Exhibitor for $1,000.00.

Cost includes the following:

  • 8 x 6 Tabletop Booth Space
  • Space outside session, break and lunch rooms
  • One (1) 6' Table and two (2) Chairs
  • Thank you on screen at convention

Are you sponsoring? A 50% discount ($500.00) is provided to all sponsors.

Thank You to Our 2024 Sponsors!