Morgan Boghean, RFT - BC Wildfire Service
Stephanie Flynn - BC Wildfire Service
Moderator: Tara Bergeson, MSc, RPF, Deputy Director, Competence & Practice, Forest Professionals British Columbia
The existing fuel management prescription template has been identified as no longer meeting the diverse needs and uses of forest professionals. The objective of modernizing it is to create a single template for use in British Columbia that provides for all end users, including tenured crown land, crown land under other management, BC Parks and protected areas, and private land, including municipalities. Involving collaboration with fire behaviour specialists and the Canadian Forest Service (CFS), the new template will provide updated guidance and tools for technical fuel management, while allowing users to be informed of all relevant information and legislation pertinent to their area of interest.
The benefits of this improved template include supporting a comprehensive and consistent framework for fuel management throughout the province, meeting the required fuel prescription format of Community Resiliency Investment Program funding, and improved ease of use by forest professionals. The updating process was supported by a diverse advisory group, providing expertise around values, legislative and due diligence requirements in addition to technical fuel management principles.
Learning Outcomes
Participants in this session will:
- Gain awareness of the recently updated fuel management prescription template.
- Learn about the new additions and functionality of the template.
- Understand the various applications for use of the template, across land management or ownership.