Lara Kirby , Finning Canada
Susan Lanteigne , Women Building Futures
Nini Obiaga , Conference MC and Facilitator
Raeleen Routhier , Women Building Futures
Stephanie Shrum , CAF-FCA

C1: Gaining Confidence to be Agents of Change in the Workforce - Lara Kirby, Natalie Bak, Susan Lanteigne, Raeleen Routhier
Room: Lombard
Women Building Futures fosters economic security through employment training, support services, readiness workshops, and more. We have in program and wrap around services that enable women to build confidence to enter and stay in trades environments. Our presentation will highlight the importance of having an accountable space to practice open dialogue, benefits of early exposure to industry specific best practices, ability to take refresher courses on areas that could feel like a barrier to employment, the benefits of wrap around services including continuous ally-ship connections, community-based events bringing Alumni and Industry together to build connections, and upskilling opportunities.
C2: Informing Shared Practices in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI): We Want to Hear From You! - Nini Obiaga & Stephanie Shrum
Room: Wellington Ballroom
Please join us for a professionally facilitated, interactive workshop where employers, educators, trainers, apprentices, journeypersons, and other stakeholders within the skilled trades will have an opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences in advancing DEI initiatives in the workplace. In this session, you will have an opportunity to connect with people from across Canada to discuss current practices, strategies you have implemented or have experienced in your workplace that you have found to be effective, and to shape future practices to create more inclusive spaces. Your feedback from this session will be used in a shared practices guide, created by CAF-FCA that will be distributed to employers across the country. Don't miss your opportunity to help enhance and improve inclusive workplaces within the skilled trades across Canada.