IUFRO Call for Abstracts - CLOSED
We are accepting abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations on any topic related to resistance mechanisms and breeding in forest trees, including, but not limited to the following topics:
- conventional tree breeding initiatives selecting for resistance
- mechanisms of recognition and signaling of biotic damage and plant defensive strategies
- antagonistic relationships in natural and managed tree populations
- new methods, technology, and tools for resistance screening
- the impact of climate change on emerging diseases
- ecology and genetics of resistance
- the use of molecular genetic techniques (e.g., GWAS, genomic selection, metabolomics) looking at resistance
- interactive effects of climate change and abiotic stressors with biotic resistance
- the role of the microbiome in resistance
Abstract Submission Process
Please follow the abstract submission process. Abstracts are limited to 250 words. Prior to submission, you will need the following information:
- Name of the presenter
- Email address of the presenter
- Affiliation and country of the presenter
- Status (Industry or private sector, government agency, faculty, Post doc, PhD student, Master’s student or undergrad student)
- List of co-authors (First and last name, use a comma to separate co-authors)
- Type of presentation (oral only, poster only, oral or poster)
- Abstract title
- Abstract (250 words max)
Please ensure all co-authors are aware of the submission.
Review and Selection Process
The scientific team will strike a committee to review all abstracts and select them for oral or poster presentations.
Presenters will be notified in January 2025 of the decision.
Important Dates:
Abstracts open for submission: September 2024
Abstract submission closing date: January 15, 2025
Decision on abstracts: February 2025
Release of the draft program: February 2025