About the National Apprenticeship Conference
Since 2002, the National Apprenticeship Conference has been bringing together key participants from Canada’s apprenticeship and skilled trades communities to collaborate on joint solutions. Moving around the country biennially, more than 500 delegates, speakers and community partners gather for three days to learn, network, and share best practices.
Plenary and breakout sessions highlight initiatives, programs and strategies that contribute to Canada’s world-class apprenticeship system. Panels focus on key trends and issues such as innovation in skilled trades workplaces, initiatives to recruit and retain diverse peoples and relevant perspectives from a variety of stakeholders involved in apprenticeship training. Concurrent sessions address a wide range of topics like essential skills development, initiatives to encourage apprentice success and programs focused on recruitment and retention.
2024 - Mastering the Journey
Many programs exist for successful recruitment to the skilled trades, yet apprentice progression and retention continue to pose challenges for both learners and industry. In a collaborative environment with appropriate supports in place, apprenticeship is the solution for training and retaining Canada’s future skilled trades workforce.
2021 Statistics Canada data suggests a positive trend in apprenticeship completions post-COVID-19. Evidence indicates that there is no one clear reason for non-completion. A better understanding of the factors impacting apprenticeship completion help inform what can be done to help apprentices complete their programs and help skilled trades employers retain top talent.
This year’s conference will highlight insights from the national apprenticeship community on what supports and programs are successful at supporting tradespeople along their skilled trades journey. Employers, apprentices, trainers, administrators, and others will showcase research and proven initiatives that encourage apprentice progression along their skilled trades career journey and illustrate the benefits or completion for the learner, industry, and the Canadian economy.
The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum is a national, not-for-profit organization working with stakeholders in all regions of Canada. We influence pan-Canadian apprenticeship strategies through research, discussion, and collaboration—sharing insights across trades, across sectors and across the country—to promote apprenticeship as an effective model for training and education. Our Board of Directors is comprised of representatives of business, labour, the jurisdictional apprenticeship authorities, education, and equity-seeking groups. Through its work, CAF-FCA has become known and respected and the Center of Excellence in Apprenticeship Research and Innovation, shedding light on key issues affecting apprenticeship, such as the perceived barriers to access and completion and the business case for apprenticeship training.
For more information, visit the CAF-FCA website at caf-fca.org.
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