CONCURRENT Breakout Session 1 | The path toward a RTM Enabled BVLOS Industry
Date & Time
Thursday, November 7, 2024, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Jordan Cicoria - AERIUM Analytics
Lindsay Mohr - AIRmarket Inc.
Stefan Kischkel - McElhanney
Rob Knochenhauer - Censys Technologies Corporation
Josué Morissette - Transport Canada
Jeremy Laliberte - Carleton University
Steve Bellingham - NAV CANADA
Lindsay Mohr - AIRmarket Inc.
Stefan Kischkel - McElhanney
Rob Knochenhauer - Censys Technologies Corporation
Josué Morissette - Transport Canada
Jeremy Laliberte - Carleton University
Steve Bellingham - NAV CANADA

Moderated by: Jordan Cicoria
Are you ready to shape the future of Canada’s drone industry? Join us for a crucial panel discussion that tackles the barriers preventing the establishment of a commercial industry for Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) drone operations and the development of RTM airspace(s).
Session Sponsored by:
Location Name
International Ballroom A/B